Friday, December 26, 2008

Cameron Highland Trip!

Look at this scenery, the tea farm of the nature calls of Cameron Highland.
Im sure this gonna be 1 of the most wanted to visit in our trip.
So how, can't wait for it izzit! Save ur money from now on! Haha!
Omg i personally was so desparate for tat trip. CANT WAIT to relax.

Firstly, how many of u guys gonna go there? need to confirm la.
Coz, neeed to buy the bus ticket.
So, muz confirm with u all 1st.

I'll be kinda busy next month. Working.
But, i'll try my best to update this blog.
Coz, its a part of me, since i m 1 of the admin.

Tats all from me. Have a blessed Christmas & a wonderfull new year!


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Yo,It's Christmas Time!!!
Just to wish you all Merry Christmas=)
Thou our christmas outing was cancelled..
but I'll miss you all in this special season~!
cause you were like my family(frankly!!)
Love you all..!!muacks(free kiss

Here I changed a christmas song for our blog..
a nice 1!!!
hope you guys like it!!

Christmas Myspace Comments

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Outings

Dearest Members,

Im so sorry to say that our Christmas Outing was cancelled..
Cause I discovered everyone was not free...

So..Just forget about it..haiz..
how sad

Monday, December 15, 2008


So far, in our "AJK" caring sociey,
only 4 person got job liao.
Wahaha, tat two person is Kuan Wah, Pui San, Teng Teng & John Chin
So members, lets visit them!
Kw & Ps workin at Times Square,
I cant recall wats the name of the shop, anyway, it starts with "V", located at 2nd floor.
so, if u guys wanna buy shirts, find them! Coz u're helping them on earning comission!~ lol

Teng Teng leh, all i noe she work at a clinic neaby my house.
she told me tat exam hvnt finish the doctor oso call her to work liao.
Walaoweh, so gud, jobs find her not like us keep searching for job. lol
If u sick, find her!~

John Chin workin at McD, maybe its nearby his house.
So gud, can eat free burgers, chicken & etc.
Lol, maybe next time u'll saw him bcome fat liao. wahahah!
So, for those who stay nearby his workin place, have ur breakfast, lunch, dinner or watever there!~

Anyway, for members tat still searching for job,
Gud luck and dun giv up. And pls go to work rather than gettin rotten at home. lol

Ron a.k.a Cleaner.

p/s: To those 4, pls belanja makan after get ur 1st salary. Wahahaha! lol

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Dear Members..

Wanna hang out again?
Missing each others?

I've got an idea here..(actually kuan wah suggested)
since Jogoya is having promotion now..
why dont we go and have lunch there..^^
just cant wait..yumyumyum..

so...u guys wanna go?

p.s-If guys wanna go we can devide it equally,that can save a lot of money too..^^

-Lots of loves-
~Fit Ma 2~


Sunday, December 7, 2008


Hey there..

here's the others 2!!


1.hong yat


thta's all..^^

Just from fit ma 2..

-Lots of loves-

Friday, December 5, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Dear Members,

We have some Ideas here..^^
In this coming greeting season(It's Christmas!!!)
We are going to hang out together..
but not on 25th Dec..cause some of us might not free on that day..
so the date is not confirm yet..

here's our plan,
each of us buy 1 present which cost below 10 bucks..
then we'll exchange..
i mean we will draw for the present!

-lots of loves-

Cameron highlands Trip

Dear Members,
Fit Ma 2 here,

I've found(my mom found it) the transport for our trip!
this is actually 1 of my mom's friend..
his company supply this service that they can send us anyway in this 3 days (since we wanna stay there for 3 days 2 nights)
its not like those 旅行团 ,
we can just tell them where we wanna go and they will bring us.. (only us!!no others people!!)

but he said its better for us to have 10 persons in this trip.. (If more than 10 will a kinda
so we can get a cheaper price...

they can also arrange the hotel for us too..
If we dowan to stay at hotel,apartment is available too..^^

here's the price...

transport - RM 600 per day
3-rooms appartment - RM 350 per day (just nice for 10 persons)
2 rooms hotel -RM 80 per day (for 2 persons)


transport - RM 600 x 3 = RM1800
apartment - RM 350 x 3 = RM 1050
total = RM 2850
each (if there's 10 persons) = RM 285


transport - RM 600 x 3 = RM 1800
2 rooms hotel - RM 80 x 5 x 3 = RM 1200
total = RM 3000
each (if there's 10 persons) = RM 300

These is excluded the meals..

addition: If my mom's friend is the one who choosen to send us there..
he can offer us at a cheaper price!

see you guys want or not lo..
If yes..then let's confirm how many of us is going..
then I can ask that guy for further information..

Just From Fit Ma 2
-Lots Of Loves-

Karaoke at 4th December 2008

Merdeka!!!!Haha..finally..done STPM..

Right after exam,we stay at school for a while coz there's some of my friends want us to sign on their clothes..
here's 1 of the guy..

thou we cant see the face but im sure you all know who he is..haha.. (with his Chicken little's hair-as joye said)

Lol..actually I thought we is going to stay at school to take some photos..
since that was the very last day in school..*sob*
but donno why everybody are rushing..wanna leave the school..
Cause We are going to Sing Karaoke after this..

We all reach Time Square bout 12 sharp (we are actually book room at greenbox,,but donno why John Chin go and park his car at Time Square.=.=*blur*)
but we can only go and get our roon at 2.00pm..
so decided to eat something first cause we are damn hungry!
the girls go and eat ice cream at the shop opposite GSC at 1st floor,
but the guys go to the mamak stall behide time square (totally no idea where is it..)

Add Video

Bout 1.30pm..We Met the guys at Sg.Wang,then we go to Greenbox to get our room.
haiz..but when we reach there..
we are not allowed to go in cause we are wearing school uniform (the receptionist told us in a unpolite way)
At this very moment..I really donno what to do..
then Someone suggested to switch venue..
we go to sing at neway..

Then I go and call Neway around 1.40pm,to reserve room at 2pm..
I thought thry wont have room at this last minutes,cause school holiday is the peak season for ktv..
but we were so lucky..
the receptionist told me that that is not a problem..they have extra room..
AND!!..we are allow to go in with our uniform!!! (huraey~~~)
somemore we can sing for 3 and a half hours.. (till 5.30pm,greenbox only until 5 sharp)
then we all rush back to time square... (Ron Leading playing amacing race)

Finally..we can enjoy our life at Neway... (thou we need to pay for the expensive-like-hell's peanuts which is 9 bucks per bowl...8 persons-6 BOWLS!!!)
But very happy yesterday...
and I really enjoy at Neway~
If pay 22 bucks can perchase happy moment like this..I do think its worth!!

Let's Enjoy the video here~

Ronald the bad boy-very dark..=.=

the girls slide down..=.=

We sing until 6 something (almost 7pm..lotsa extra time..hahaha)then the guys wanna go back but the girls decided to have dinner together~^^~

so we have our dinner at the shop nearby secret resipe (donno what's the name)then we go back at 9 sharp~

Thats all for today..really have a happy,i mean..happiest moment with you all yesterday!!Glad im one of the member of caring society!

~Love you all~

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Breaking Free, then KTV!

After EXAM, Its KTV TIME~!

Hi frens, hav a good day today rite?

ANYWAY, i noe those who went ktv today, enjoyed much!
Hehe. But john sick ady, aww... get well soon john.

To Fit Ma 2, pls post the video here lah, hehe!
And the pics too! Nice yow!

Truly yours,
Ron Da Cleaner!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Last Day Of Exam!!

Ok now..

the KTV stuff..

Date: 4th December 2008(thursday)
Time: 2pm~5pm
Venue: GreenBox,Sungei Wang
Cost: RM 9++(so damn cheap man..)

Currently who is in...

1.Kar Mun
2.Kuan Wah
3.Pui Mun
4.Siin Yan
5.Pui San
6.Kai Yaw
8.John Chin

Thursday, November 27, 2008


The super duper lenglui treasurer kuan wah here!!!!
suprise?? hahaha thanks for yan yan giving me this opportunity ya^^ love..muaks!!
im juz passing by try to contribute something here..hehe^^
time passed very fast...still left 3 papers...lets think think where to go,what to do on next thursday ba my friends!!yeah!!
remember to bring extra clothes to change on thursday ya^^
and...that day we will go sing k right??who will book the room??
must book few days earlier if not no room for us..
we must go sing! shout out all the stress..
waiting for 4 dec 11.00am..............

jia you!
love u guys!
ur beloved treasure wah wah~^o^

3 subjects left..

hey frens,

there's only 3 papers left..^^
and that will be the end of our high school life..
let's add oil together la..^^

(wow..ron is very active so many things..wahaha..happy that he is 1 of the admin..^^)


Happy Birthday Myspace CommentsHappy Birthday Myspace Comments

Happy B'day to yaw!

Happy b'day to Yaw, Juz now i called him. he say every year he 4gotten his own b'day. lol.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

PP 1 25 November.

For those who take pp 1 today, pls remember come to school. (omg wat a crap, like talking to myself)

I believe tat everyone have prepare for the exam ady. Lets do well in this exam oh. AFter exam, go home, prepare your Econs and History.

So, good luck everyone, All da best in this Stupid Subject! lol

(finall, i've stop crapping. Zzz)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Last day of exam. 4 dec!

Hi guys, last day of exam, lets take pic together wor.
After exam, we take pic's around the school.
So, Prepare ur most "leng lui" look, and "leng zai" look lah.
Erm, dunno wat to say, but, there is 1 handsome boy here. Aha! Tat was Me!

For those who got camera, pls bring ur camera tat day. Its goin to be a very meaningfull last day to remember! (sori tat i copy the HSM 3 song title. Hehe)

Oh ya, im gonna bring extra uniform, let u all sign it! Yea!

(p/s: Dun hesitate to take pic wif Me ya. WAHAHAHAHAHA. Lame me. lol)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

4th December 2008

Yo Guys,

Desperated For 4th December??
Our Very Very Very LAST Paper Is Finish at 11a.m.
Up to Something?
Oh yes we are!!

Kuan Wah Suggested all of us hang out together after that..
we intend to go KTV and have lunch together..

For the Guys in Our Society..
You are now receive our invitation(Especially for those who own a car..XD.just kidding)
For the Girls...that is a MUST to join us..wahaha..

need further information?
drop us some comments here...


Friday, November 21, 2008

RoN is Here

Im bullied by yan yan to be 1 of the authors here.
Wat to do, Ron is poor (R.I.P) have to be cleaner.

Anyway, i'll do my best to contribute on tis blog. Dont hesitate to read my post in da future.
Peace Out YoW!

Trip to Cameron Highlands After STPM

cameron highlands trip

Dear Members Of The Caring Society,
Pui San suggested to have a trip to Cameron Highland after our exam..
perhaps we will stay there for 3 days 2 nights
currently kuan wah,Ron,and me(yan) are in..
how about u guys?
contact me then..wait for ya reply ~
