Friday, April 30, 2010

The 7 Angels

Date: 14th April 2010
Venue: Station 1
Time: 6.30pm
Attendants: 7 angels..=)

Sorry for being so late to post this out..
but I know you all very understanding..
it's the "exam season" now.
so I've been busy with my studies and delay this post..
by the way..
initially we thought this gathering will failed to organized..
but glad that eventually we made it somemore all the 7 of us were here..
nan de nan de..

as usual..
we had fun together that day..(can see clearly through the pictures..^^)
so let the photos do the talking part..=)

this is just an small gathering..
we will be back to KL soon and I hope there's more gathering..=)
cause I really miss you guys badly.. you girls..muacks
